
Whooping Cranes: Biology and Conservation

The International Crane Foundation has been a leader in endangered Whooping Crane conservation for over 25 years. Our involvement in this species’ remarkable recovery is illustrated by the depth and breadth of contributions our staff provided to a recently published volume from Academic Press: Whooping Cranes: Biology and Conservation. This work was made possible by the dedication and generosity of International Crane Foundation supporters like yourselves – we hope you will celebrate this achievement with us!

With a forward by our Co-founder George Archibald, 12 International Crane Foundation staff and former interns authored or co-authored 11 of the 24 chapters in this book, and provided scholarly input in the areas of historic distribution, population biology, behavior and social structure, habitat use, disease and health, captive breeding, reintroduction and emerging issues for Whooping Crane conservation.

Our contributions represent years of effort by the International Crane Foundation, working at the forefront of Whooping Crane conservation science, and help point the way for future research and management activities to secure the species.

We hope you will recommend this reading to friends and colleagues. Whooping Cranes: Biology and Conservation is intended for professionals who work on cranes; administrators of management agencies or non-government organizations; conservationists in other fields; teachers of Conservation Biology or Ornithology and their students; and scholars, practitioners, decision-makers, students and individuals interested in understanding the challenges and opportunities to conserving biodiversity.

Submitted by Dr. Barry Hartup, Director of Conservation Medicine. Click here to learn more about our work in North America.