
The Fight Continues – Help Win It

We are calling on your support now because of the many threats facing Whooping Cranes. This beloved, iconic North American bird serves as the ambassador for the other 10 crane species facing extinction.


Whooping Cranes continue their fight for survival. We’ve made gains. But there’s still much to do. And you can help.

Back from fewer than 20 birds in the 1940s, Whooping Cranes now number more than 750 in the wild and captivity. Their success is due, in part, to our science-based, strategic and urgent work. Work we cannot do without your help, and we thank you!

2017 was a successful year for this species — with their numbers growing in the wild flock by 63. Unfortunately, threats also are on the rise. Your support makes a difference for Whooping Cranes. And they need your help!

Whooping Cranes – like many of their endangered cousins across the globe — face scarce fresh water supplies. Fresh water in Texas is a financially valuable, limited commodity. With your financial help, we are working with other agencies to make sure fresh water continues to flow to the Texas Gulf,
where Whooping Cranes winter.

Whooping Crane habitat is vanishing in Texas along the beautiful coast. In addition, Texas and Louisiana face continued pressure from oil or natural gas spills – occurrences all too common.

The list of daily threats continues. Power line collisions, habitat destruction, senseless shootings and more. Far too frequently, another precious Whooping Crane falls victim to one of these numerous threats.

We must keep moving forward to protect this glorious symbol of survival!

Join the Fight! Please give today to help Whooping Cranes and the other 10 species facing extinction worldwide.